One murder...6 suspects. In this suspenseful Cluedo game, players have to find out who's responsible for murdering Dr. Black of Tudor Mansion in his own home. Get the scoop on the mansion's rooms, weapons and guests and start detecting. Was it Plum with the wrench in the library? Or Green with the candlestick in the study? Eliminate information throughout the game in this classic whodunit. The player who correctly accuses Who, What, and Where wins!
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Please read the product description and specifications carefully.
Box Contains
Includes Mansion Gameboard, 1 Yellow Murder Envelope, 1 Detective Notepad, 6 Character tokens, 21 Black CLUEDO cards, 13 Red Bonus cards, 6 Weapon tokens, 2 Dice and Game Guide.
Features & details
- Who committed the murder in the mansion?
- Eliminate the suspects and discover whodunit, with what and where
- Introducing a new character, Dr. Orchid as one of the suspects
- 2 - 6 players
- Suitable for ages 8+